Friday, June 13, 2008


Since school's out , we have been spending alot of time at the community pool with friends. The kids love it-they are worn out by the time they get back to the house. Callie is so funny; I usually have to force her to eat but at the pool she can put the food away! I better have plenty of snacks in my beach bag because as soon as her big toe hits the water she wants to eat!


Last Saturday, June 7th, we loaded up the car and headed to Cocoa Beach for the day to see the 5:00pm launch of the space shuttle. Stan had always wanted to see it launch from Cape Canaveral but we decided to do the beach thing instead.
What an amazing thing to see!! We live about an hour from the launch site so it was a no-brainer when they announced a Saturday launch. The beaches were PACKED but after the launch it was alot less crowded. We had a great day swimming in the Atlantic and hanging in the sun.


We are so proud of our Maddie Boo. She received several awards at the 5th grade graduation. One in particular was the Presidential Award of Academic Excellence that was signed by George W. Bush along with a pin. She had made straight A's on her report card and has done extremely well adapting to her new school and friends. After moving to a new home, new state, new school, new friends, neither of our two girls has complained about their new challenges. We are all so happy that everything has worked out so well.
At Maddie's graduation from elementary school, I couldn't help but get a little misty and think back on putting her on the bus her first week of kindergarden. How time flies!!


Maddie and Callie finished their 5th and 1st grades on June 4th and they are already enjoying their free time. I was fortunate to spend alot of time volunteering in their classrooms before the eoy.
Callie's classmates were alot of fun and spent their last week having parties and playing games. We are lucky to have her teacher loop up with the class next year for 2nd grade.