Monday, September 14, 2009

Belly Dancing for Stans 40 Something

We took Stan out to a Greek restaurant here in town for his birthday. Needless to say, he liked the show. The girls couldn't understand why the waitstaff kept throwing plates and napkins everywhere and shouting "Opa". Great clamari, greek salads and lamb kabobs. Happy Birthday, Boo!

Pics from Nate and Maureens Wedding Weekend

Kneeboarding and Tubing on Big Bertha

Family Fun in Lake Oconee

We headed up to Atlanta before school started for our nephew, Nate's wedding. We all rented a Lake Villa at Cuscawilla in Lake Oconee where Bill and Alacia have a place and where the wedding would be. I haven't laughed that hard in a long time! I tell ya, getting our whole families together is a blast! Thanks for a great weekend!


Since I started a new job a few months ago and Stan travels alot, it was hard to plan a vacation this year. We ended up taking a few long weekends instead. We drove to Sanibel Island one of the trips. This beach is known for its seashells. We found some great conch shells, starfish and sanddollars. We had a great time. We are hoping to drive to Clearwater/St Petersburg soon with the boat.


Well, after much discussion, we finally decided to buy a boat! Living in Orlando, where we are surrounded by lakes, it seemed like the right thing to do. We have spent every weekend and a few weeknights riding, kneeboarding and floating!

The girls are loving every minute of it since they get to have their friends join us. It has been the best thing for the family since it seems hard to get us all together at times. Now we can spend family time together. And as Jack Nicholson says about boating with family on the lakes and "noodle salad", it makes for good childhood memories.